Sunday, May 12, 2013

All the World’s a stage – India’s political Drama !

India, in the popular imagination of the world is a land of culture, spirituality, multiethnic society and of late Bollywood. The wholesome package India has got to offer the world smoothly eclipses her intense political drama. You name a genre and it just fits in so perfect. Comedy, Thriller, Horror, fantasy, Action - a sure shot and thanks to the Honorable Minster of Karnataka for adding the adult touch to it.

Laxman Sangappa Savadi

Mocker : Sir, you were caught watching porn in the Assembly .What is your take on it?

Laxman : "Dude, I was the minister of Cooperation , Karnataka Govt . How can you not cooperate with a cooperation Minister in his endeavors ? Moreover i'm not even  the  one who downloaded the video.It was just a forwarded MMS. Now that i'm caught,I will convince our BJP high command to stop moral policing on valentines day.Now please, stop this ."

Chinese intrusion in Ladakh. 

After a serious Chinese intrusion, this is what what our Foreign Minister, Salman Khurshid has got to say when he is back from the Chinese trip - "Neither did I ask about the intrusion nor did they tell me anything about it and I would love to live in Beijing". Apparently, the only reason why he went to china was to have some noodles ? Sir,next time you want to have Chinese food, your highness don’t take the effort to go to china all the way. I found a Chinese restaurant near by your office. You are welcome ! 

Please drop the idea of moving to Beijing as none can  replace your role in our drama.Yeah, not even Johnny lever and Yashpal Yadav .

Honorable Prime Minister, MMS considers it as a local issue. Sir, would you please care to clarify what exactly is local there? Because even my phone calls just out of Mumbai are not local and we are dealing with countries here.

MMS :  "Cheap shot , Man. That was a  pathetic joke ."

Anyway sir, congratulations for winning the Karnataka elections. You must be in a celebratory mood and I don’t want to play the spoilsport here. 

MMS : " Thank you, Dude.  That was a thumping victory and apparently Rahul Gandhi did not campaign much in Karnataka unlike UP."

Sonia: "Aint you supposed to project Rahul Gandhi as a hero ?"

MMS: "I was know..I was..".
Sonia: "We need to talk. ......................"